WOS was founded by Byron Yake, a former sports writer in Pittsburgh for the Associated Press and later Sports Editor of the AP. Inspiration for the project arose from Yake’s interest in journalism, sports writing and education and his desire to help students improve their writing skills. During the summer, Write on Sports runs two-week camps. During the school year, Write on Sports runs afterschool programs and holds special press-conferences. As part of their work, students interview athletes and journalists, observe and write about a minor league baseball game, and write their own stories for print and video production. The camp covers all kinds of sports - from baseball, basketball, hockey and football to soccer, fencing, swimming, curling and any other sport the students might be interested in.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Newark Day Seven - Working Away

No guests - just students and teachers getting down to work.  The students did a great job of staying focused today. They finished their spot stories, with continuing support from teachers.

After completing the spot stories, they got to work on their feature stories.

Here a student is reading up on volleyball.

This student is using a graphic organizer for her feature story. It provides an outline of the issues the story will focus on (and what questions they will answer), a headline, a lead, options for how to structure the piece, and a conclusion.

Students also worked on their video projects.

The competitive cooking video is taking shape.

Physical activity today included a group jump rope activity. Students had to dash under without getting hit by the rope. Fun was had by all.

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