WOS was founded by Byron Yake, a former sports writer in Pittsburgh for the Associated Press and later Sports Editor of the AP. Inspiration for the project arose from Yake’s interest in journalism, sports writing and education and his desire to help students improve their writing skills. During the summer, Write on Sports runs two-week camps. During the school year, Write on Sports runs afterschool programs and holds special press-conferences. As part of their work, students interview athletes and journalists, observe and write about a minor league baseball game, and write their own stories for print and video production. The camp covers all kinds of sports - from baseball, basketball, hockey and football to soccer, fencing, swimming, curling and any other sport the students might be interested in.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Newark - Day One

Note: Posted a day late due to logisitical issues. 

Today was the first day of the Newark Camp,  which is held at Dr. Marion A. Bolden Student Center, located at 230 Broadway. This center is open throughout the school year for high school students. It is a place for them to be creative (with music and recording facilities), to get work done (in the library and with computer access), or to just feel safe. They Center kindly opens its door during the summer for Write on Sports, even though most of our students are still in middle school.

As always, we begin with team building activities. Right from the start the teachers were making comments about the students in this year's camp. They were eager to share, to volunteer for activities, and to get to work. The energy was high, and I think that has raised expectations for what students are going to be able to accomplish. 

It looks like soccer is popular, basketball and football. We'll see how much they get into baseball. I think for many the trip to the Jackals game on Wednesday is going to be their first live baseball game.  Post-World Cup and post-LeBron, I don't have a sense yet what the most popular topics are going to be.  I'm sure we'll be surprised by a few.

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